序号 |
论文或专著名称 |
作者 |
刊物、出版社名称 |
年、卷、期、页 |
类别 |
1 |
Detect molecular spectral features of newly developed Vicia faba varieties and protein metabolic characteristics in ruminant system using advanced synchrotron radiation based infrared microspectroscopy: A preliminary study. |
张卫宪 俞培强 |
Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy |
2019 (206):413-420 |
2 |
Effects of heat processing methods on protein subfractions and protein degradation kinetics in dairy cattle in relation to protein molecular structure of barley grain using advanced molecular spectroscopy. |
张卫宪 俞培强 |
Journal of Cereal Science |
2018(80):212-220 |
3 |
Effect of durations of microwave irradiation (3 and 5 min) on truly absorbable nutrient supply of newly developed hulless barley varieties (Hordeum vulgare L.) in comparison with conventional hulled barley variety. |
张卫宪 俞培强 |
Journal of Cereal Science |
2018 (79):424-430 |
4 |
Protein molecular structural, physicochemical and nutritional characteristics of warm-season adapted genotypes of sorghum grain: Impact of heat-related processing. |
María Elena 俞培强 |
Journal of Cereal Science |
2019 (85):182-191 |
5 |
A methodology study on chemical and molecular structure imaging in modified forage leaf tissue with cutting-edge synchrotron-powered technology (SR-IMS) as a potential research tool. |
俞培强 胡华锋 邓红雨 张卫宪 |
Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy |
2019 (213):330-336 |
6 |
Interactive Curve-Linear Relationship Between Alteration of Carbohydrate Macromolecular Structure Traits in Hulless Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) Grain and Nutrient Utilization, Biodegradation and Bioavailability. |
Luciana L. Prates 俞培强 |
Int. J. Mol. Sci. |
2019(20):1366. |
7 |
Vibrational spectroscopic study on feed molecular structure properties of oil-seeds and co-products from Canadian and Chinese bio-processing and relationship with protein and carbohydrate degradation fractions in ruminant systems. |
邓红雨 俞培强 |
Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy |
2019(216):249-257 |
8 |
Effect of hydroxyselenomethionine on lactation performance, blood profiles, and transfer efficiency in early-lactating dairy cows |
李勇 刘建新 张卫宪 |
J. Dairy Sci. |
2019(102):6167–6173 |
9 |
山茱萸果核对奶山羊泌乳性能、乳脂肪酸组成及乳腺脂质代谢相关基因表达的影响 |
李君 刘太宇 |
动物营养学报 |
2019,31(05):2303-2312 |
一级学报 |
10 |
仔猪断奶后1周内血清生化指标、十二指肠形态结构及空肠中钠/葡萄糖共转运载体1与二肽转运载体1基因表达量的变化 |
李梦云 聂芙蓉 郭良兴 |
动物营养学报 |
2019,31(02):757-763 |
一级学报 |
11 |
乳酸菌固体发酵扶正解毒散的工艺优化研究 |
史洪涛 乔宏兴 王永芬 |
家畜生态学报 |
2017,38(06):63-67 |
一级学报 |
12 |
植物乳杆菌和屎肠球菌协同固体发酵黄芪的互作及在断奶仔猪上的应用 |
乔宏兴 史洪涛 |
中国兽医学报 |
2018,38(10):1982-1988 |
一级学报 |
13 |
植物乳杆菌和屎肠球菌协同固体发酵黄芪的互作及在断奶仔猪上的应用 |
乔宏兴 史洪涛 |
中国兽医学报 |
2018,38(10):1982-1988 |
一级学报 |
14 |
2株枯草芽孢杆菌协同降解黄曲霉毒素B1的效果 |
乔宏兴 史洪涛 王永芬 |
中国兽医学报 |
2017,37(12):2397-2401 |
一级学报 |
15 |
卷心菜浆液对肉鸡肠道发育和盲肠菌群的影响 |
杨建平 李新锋 石志芳 |
西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版) |
2019(07):1-8 |
985重点大学学报 |
16 |
液态复合添加剂对断奶1周内仔猪生长性能、养分消化率及血液指标的影响 |
李梦云 |
中国畜牧杂志 |
2018,54(01):89-93 |
国内重要刊物 |
17 |
调质对饲料营养价值影响的研究进展 |
段海涛 杨建平 |
中国畜牧杂志 |
2019,55(10):30-35 |
国内重要刊物 |
18 |
SIRT1/FoxO1通路对奶山羊乳腺上皮细胞脂质合成的影响 |
李君 邓红雨 |
中国畜牧杂志 |
2019,55(10):20-25 |
国内重要刊物 |
19 |
复合肠道调节剂对仔猪断奶1周内生产性能肠道微生物及肠道结构的影响 |
李梦云 |
中国兽医杂志 |
2018,54(09):22-26 |
国内重要刊物 |
20 |
猪肠道中产蛋白酶解淀粉芽孢杆菌的筛选、鉴定及其酶学性质的初步研究 |
张晓静 乔宏兴 |
中国畜牧兽医 |
2017,44(08):2398-2407 |
国内重要刊物 |